***New item in News and Events! Click here to view!***

***New item in News and Events! Click here to view!***

Live near the Logan area? You can now pay your bill in person at The Bank of Logan. Click here for more information!

Live near the Logan area? You can now pay your bill in person at The Bank of Logan. Click here for more information!


Your Electric Cooperative

Farmers’ Electric Cooperative began in 1938 and we currently serve Eastern New Mexico in the counties of Curry, DeBaca, Guadalupe, Harding, Quay, Roosevelt, and San Miguel. We maintain 4,295 miles of line in those counties, serve 6,875 consumers, and have 13,120 meters on our system.

Clovis Office

3701 Thornton St


Ft. Sumner Office

618 East Sumner


Santa Rosa Office

1169 Historic Route 66
